Shura Committee

What is “Shura committee”

The term “Shura committee” is often associated with a decision-making process. “Shura” is an Arabic word that means “consultation” or “mutual consultation.” In an Islamic context, a Shura committee is typically a consultative body or council responsible for advising and assisting the leadership in making important decisions, particularly within an Institution.

The primary tasks and functions of a Shura committee can include:

1. Advising Leadership : Shura committees offer advice to leaders, whether they be political leaders, religious scholars, or heads of organizations. This advice may pertain to various matters, including policy decisions, legislation, community issues, and religious matters.

2. Consensus Building : Shura committees aim to foster consensus and unity within the community or organization. By consulting with a diverse group of individuals, the hope is to arrive at decisions that are widely accepted and can be implemented effectively.

3. Reviewing and Monitoring : These committees may also be responsible for reviewing the actions and policies of the leadership. They can act as a check and balance system, ensuring that the leadership’s decisions align with Islamic principles and the welfare of the community.

4. Resolving Disputes : In some cases, Shura committees may serve as a forum for resolving disputes or conflicts within the community. They can act as mediators and help in finding amicable solutions.

5. Promoting Accountability : By providing a platform for consultation, Shura committees encourage leaders to be more accountable to the people they serve. This can help prevent abuse of power or mismanagement.

6. Religious Guidance : In Islamic organizations, Shura committees may also provide religious guidance on matters related to Islamic jurisprudence and ethics.

EMAS have 5 Members of Shura Committees

  • Sheh Abdulaziz Amin (Imam)
  • Yahya
  • Mohammed Jemal
  • Taju
  • Yishak